Below is a list of some projects I'm interested in working on with Master's or Bachelor's students. Many of them involve a blend of hardware and software, so if you contact me about one of them please ensure that you have the skills or appetite for the blend you're picking. 🙂

Note that not all of these projects are well-defined yet! You will likely have to work independently on finding related work and developing the idea before you can get started with the implementation.

I'm also generically interested in the intersections between fabrication, sensing, and bodies, so if you have a project in those areas that's not on this list, feel free to send it over and we can discuss it.

<aside> 📜 Have a look at my resources for students page to get further ideas for how to successfully collaborate with me.


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Navigating this table

This table features the name, brief description, list of skills you will be expected to have or learn, student level, and outcomes for each of these projects. You can use the filtering and sorting tools on the table in order to find the projects you might be most interested in. The table is also too wide for the page, but can be scrolled left and right to see other columns.

For levels, I have also marked some projects as appropriate for multiple students if you want to do a group thesis or group project.

‼️Scroll to the side to see all the columns!

Projects ideas for POCS and theses

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